Everything You Need To Know About Misfires

We recently had a chance to sit down with Winchester Ammo San Diego providers, LAX Ammo SD to learn about what causes a gun to misfire. This is what we found…

What Causes A Gun To Misfire?

The most common reason a misfire occurs is because of an “insufficient indent”, a primer that was not struck with enough force. A primer may get hit once and not go off. If the first strike does not cause the gun to fire, the second strike may or may not cause a gun to fire, however, a primer’s sensitivity is decreased with each misfire, and as such is less likely to fire with each passing attempt.

Weapon-Induced Misfire

There are several ways that weapons can cause misfires including:

  • the firing pin is damaged, bent or chipped
  • a weak firing pin spring or the pin could be too short
  • excessive headspace in the rifle

Improper Loading Techniques

Proper priming techniques include a primer that is set firmly at the bottom of a primer pocket, but not so much that it is crushed into place. If the primer is not set to the bottom, it won’t be as sensitive, and conversely, if the primer is set with too much force, it is too far from the firing pin. Also, moisture or oil can contaminate the primer. These improper loading techniques are less common in factory loads because of quality control procedures.


Common causes of shooter-induced misfires include if the shooter does not completely close the bolt before discharging the firearm. A bolt-handle lifted – even slightly, can cause a misfire.

Brand Variation

If a gun works with one brand of ammunition, can’t we expect it to work with all brands? Actually, no because all primers are made to an industry-specified range, which means that some brands will be more sensitive than others. Sensitivity is a trade-off, as sensitivity to a center-hit means desensitivity to off-center hits.

Ammo Damage

Light penetrating oil is the likely cause for contaminated ammo. Oil is extremely desensitizing to primer, which is why most ammo has a lacquer-sealed primer. Moisture, to a lesser extent, can also damage a primer. Short-term exposure is well tolerated, however, long-term exposure to moisture, such as in damp storage conditions, will consistently damage ammo.

About LAX Ammo SD – Winchester Ammo San Diego Providers

LAX Ammo SD are premier Winchester Ammo San Diego experts that have serviced the San Diego area with top-rated ammo for over a decade and are considered leaders in the Winchester Ammo San Diego space. To learn more about LAX Ammo SD offerings contact them today.

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