Pros and Cons of Using Reloaded Ammo

Reloaded ammo San Diego has several benefits for anyone who considers him or herself an enthusiast.

Reloading ammo is a fun past time or hobby for any gun lover. The process of getting to know what goes into loading bullets and firing a weapon is very fulfilling. Improving your knowledge of your weapon and ammo can never hurt. Here are the pros and cons of using reloaded ammunition.


Creating your own reloaded ammo can improve your accuracy in a meaningful way. Factory made ammo does not have the same customizable consistency that reloaded ammo San Diego has. By lessening each bullet’s variations in seating depth, charge weight, and other factors, you’ll have less variation when the bullet hits its target.

Reloaded ammo San Diego can be made and inspected to a shooter’s personal satisfaction. Shooting with ammo specifically made for your gun is a great way to improve your confidence and accuracy as a shooter. If you are hunting or participating in shooting matches, having reloaded ammo is a tool you should take full advantage of. Comfort is an important factor in any shooting scenario and having the right ammo for you and your firearm contributes to that.


A downside of using reloaded ammo in self-defense shooting because of the possible legal ramifications that can come with it. Forensic testing after a shooting relies on factory specifications.  As a result, having reloaded ammo makes it difficult on law enforcement and also may cause suspicion. There is a chance a prosecuting attorney will argue intent because the ammo was a reloaded variety.

Making your own ammo also requires a decent amount of skill and care. If done recklessly you can potentially hurt both your gun and yourself. Keep all these factors in mind when considering if reloaded ammo is right for you.

About LAX Ammo SD

LAX Ammo SD is stocked with firearm accessories that are high quality and sold at affordable prices, including reloaded ammo San Diego. We sell supplies to craft your own reloaded ammo at our store. We are located in San Diego at 4411 Mercury St, Suite 103 and you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep updated on our deals.

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